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Download the Kafka Summit UK 2019 presentation

Talking Traffic: Data in the Driver's Seat

In the 'Talking Traffic Partnership' ( the Dutch Ministry of Infrastructure and Environment collaborates with several public and private parties to deliver up-to-date traffic information from a wide variety of data sources to road users via smartphones and personal or onboard navigation systems. KPN was selected as IT partner for Talking Traffic, and Klarrio was commissioned by KPN to build a platform that could:
– Act as a secure streaming information exchange between the Talking Traffic partners.
– Deliver personalized subsets of selected data streams to millions of connected client devices and applications in real time.

In this talk we walk you through the production platform, describing how our partners run containerized Kafka applications against a secured multi-tenant Kafka setup to amass a wealth of traffic information.


Bruno De Bus, CTO, Klarrio

Bruno De Bus is CTO at Klarrio. Prior to that he was at Virdata and Technicolor where he built scalable publish subscribe messaging infrastructure to monitor and manage millions of connected devices.

Dominique Chanet, Lead Architect, Klarrio

Dominique Chanet is Lead Architect at Klarrio. Prior to that, he was a Software Architect in the CTO Office of Technicolor Connected Home, and member of the Technical Steering Committee of the AllSeen Alliance, which stewarded the open source AllJoyn IoT project. Dominique holds a PhD in Computer Science from Ghent University, Belgium.

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