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Klarrio participates in IoT Evolution Expo in Fort Lauderdale, Jan 29 – Feb 1

By January 29, 2019September 21st, 2022Events, News

Klarrio participates in IoT Evolution Expo in Fort Lauderdale, Jan 29 - Feb 1


A vital ingredient in becoming a smart city is data – making current data useable, gathering new data, and making data meaningful. But the question arises, how to gather data from new data sources such as cameras and sensors? To address this challenge, a number of cities have undertaken a connected street light project, as in addition to the associated energy and maintenance efficiencies, intelligent lighting can provide a backbone for other smart city domains.

At the upcoming IoT Evolution Expo (January 29th-February 1st) in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida, a panel discussion, moderated by Klarrio’s Ed Elze, will discuss the broader benefits of connected lighting in their session Smart Street Lighting: The Strategic Backbone for Smart Cities IoT.